Have you ever looked up to the sky during the
day, watching white puffy clouds moving overhead, seeing them transform into
animals and other shapes and imagining how it would be like to touch them?
Maybe it would feel like fluffy cotton candy, maybe your fingers would stick
there forever. Maybe it would feel like dipping your fingertips in water, the
cloud would immediately release all the drops it had kept inside and you would
be taking showers forever. Maybe it would feel like a soft blanket you could
fall asleep on and get carried away forever. Forever. Until eternity. And then?
Then we could meet in heaven. Up, all the way up there. Above the clouds and
the sky, where you do not find air anymore. Where you do not find war anymore.
Only love. And not only on cloud nine.
Have you ever looked up to the sky at night,
watching blinking stars and wondering if you could collect and wear them as a
necklace? Maybe the jewels you sometimes find in peoples’ hearts are just those
falling stars that you sometimes see in the night sky. Maybe the wish you make
in that moment comes true with these people. These people who carry blinking
and shining stars in their eyes and the sky in their heart. Go and search for
them, for those who believe in the sky and who never stop dreaming.
Falling stars, falling
skies. Catch the stars, touch the sky. Dream. The sky is not the limit, you can
go further. You can reach the stars and go beyond the sky if you just believe
in it.
Shine and sparkle. Be
your own star in a winter’s night and someone’s flower on a summer day. See
stars in other peoples’ eyes and find the sky in your heart. You will find the
freedom you are searching for.
Have you ever looked up to the sky during a
thunderstorm? Feeling the lashing winds on your skin, hearing the deafening
noise of falling raindrops, turning little rippling streams into torrential
rivers. Being dazzled by lightning and terrified by thunderclap, you realize
how small you are in this universe, surrounded by incredibly strong powers,
surrounded by nature. There is something stronger than us, something bigger,
something that you cannot control, neither with the money you gain nor with the
success you might achieve. Nature is the best place to learn some kind of
modesty. We are insignificant, we cannot control nature or influence the
weather. We can only change ourselves. Respect nature, love other people and
love yourself. If the skies fall, hold up your hands. You will catch all the
Have you ever looked up to the sky at any time,
wondering what it would feel like to have wings and just fly, high, above the
sky. To make the sky your soil, with the clouds being your garden and the stars
being your flowers. Why do we actually tend to look up when we think of the
sky? Look at your feet, you are standing in the sky and walking around in your
peaceful garden, admiring the flowers and the complete silence surrounding you.
Probably this is what we call peace. No rush, no fight, just freedom. No
boundaries and no rules. You can even build your castle in the clouds without
worrying about rules of architecture, in the sky, there are no limits. And the sky
actually begins on earth. At your feet. And from your heart you can touch the
Falling stars, falling
skies. Catch the stars, touch the sky. Dream. The sky is not the limit, you can
go further. You can reach the stars and go beyond the sky if you just believe
in it.
Shine and sparkle. Be
your own star in a winter’s night and someone’s flower on a summer day. See
stars in other peoples’ eyes and find the sky in your heart. You will find the
freedom you are searching for.
Have you ever wondered why the presence of some
people feels like the sky and a thunderstorm at the same time? They leave traces
and trails behind them, not trails of destruction, but trails of love. They
shine like stars and flowers and struck like a lightning bolt. Because they
love what they do. Because what they do, they do it with passion. Passion is
power, and this power is what you feel being surrounded by them. Go out and do
the same. Believe in the sky, in its magic and its power and do what you love.
Do it with passion and believe in what you do, believe in yourself. Remember: The
sky begins at your feet. And from your heart, you can touch it.
Have you ever wondered what I am actually
doing? I want to travel this country, I want to travel the world. I want to find
other people who believe in the sky and in themselves. Even if we all are
different, we live under the same sky. It does not matter where you are and
where you came from, the sky is as far from you as it is from me. And still,
you can get closer. Who told you that the sky is your limit? It is not. The
only limit is your mind. Look up, widen your horizon. Go up, chase your stars. Speak
up, dream out loud. Follow your heart, it will lead you towards the sky.
Falling stars, falling
skies. Catch the stars, touch the sky. Dream. The sky is not the limit, you can
go further. You can reach the stars and go beyond the sky if you just believe
in it.
Shine and sparkle. Be
your own star in a winter’s night and someone’s flower on a summer day. See
stars in other peoples’ eyes and find the sky in your heart. You will find the
freedom you are searching for.
You don’t need to understand the reasons of
your heart and the direction towards which it is leading you. Even a cloud does
not know why it moves in a certain direction and at a certain speed, it just
feels an impulsion. And then the weather changes and clouds don’t bring storm
and rain, then they just want to paint the sky and to add more color to the
sunset. When the sun rises again and you feel where to go now, just move. The
sky knows the puzzles and patterns behind all clouds, and you will know, too. We
will know. But before, we need to cross the boundaries of our society and
exceed the limits of our minds to finally see and act with our hearts. To fall
in love with rising stars and to be falling stars to rising suns. To dance with
the clouds and with the people, no matter rain or thunder.
We won’t just reach and touch the sky. We will
go beyond it.
And when it falls, we are the first to rise.
Idea: Cedric Mizero
Text & Photos: Yule Burlefinger