Montag, 23. Januar 2017

The Fight

What do you fight for? Do you fight for your rights, for yourself? Do you stand up for someone, for yourself? Where are your arms, what is your weapon?

He is sitting there, in the corner, defenseless. Peaceful in his mind and in his heart. Ignoring the fact, that people insult, people judge, people hate. People hate other people and they hate themselves. They hate themselves for hating other people and hate themselves for hating themselves. But he, he is just there, still in love with the world and the people. Still swallowing, swallowing huge chunks of words, insults, hatred and envy. When will he stand up?

She is standing there, in the middle of the crowd, armed and shielded. In fight position and belligerent, in her mind and in her heart. Ignoring the fact that people are passionate, people are vulnerable, people love. People love things and money and other people. Do they love themselves? Does she fight because she loves herself? Does she fight with love? She is standing there, ready to jump and to defend herself. This is her arena, this is her body, this is her life. Whoever wants to cross her space, to invade her arena, to limit her freedom, she will fight.

What do you fight for? Do you fight for your rights, for yourself? Do you stand up for someone, for yourself? Where are your arms, what is your weapon?

We are here, together, holding each other’s hand. We are hippies with guns. Our weapon is the sun, we fight with love and our smile. We are hippies with guns, we use flowers to break and seeds to shoot. We use our beauty to make you realize your abyss and your flaws. Our poison is the love you don’t have. Our poison is the emotion that you don’t feel. Our love is stronger than your hatred can ever be, because it’s all-embracing. It’s like the air you breathe and the water you drink. It’s our poison that will suffocate and drown you, beaten down by love.

Let us fight for love. Let us fight for our rights. Let us fight for the right to love ourselves unconditionally, let us cross borders with our smile and build bridges with our flaws. Let the sunshine lighten them like dark wood in the blazing heat and let our words be the paintbrush for the artworks of our relationships. Shout and scream, make noise and color all the dark souls surrounding you. Be your own summer in winter, be someone’s flower in a frosted field. Fight with the love you have for yourself and the world. Make this world a warmer one. 


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